Tuesday 26 July 2016


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When you mention names like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Larry Bird, Wilt Chamberlain, Michael Jordan, Shaquile O’Neal, look closely there could have been a Christopher among the 50 Greatest Players in the history of NBA. Sadly Christopher didn’t get to the list; truth is he didn’t even get to play in the NBA. Fast forward twenty years after, Christopher now Pastor Chris Delvan shares in his compelling sermon on the 5th of June at TWB, on how cigarette smoking took away his basket ball dream, and how drugs took away his music dream. An addiction can be fun in the immediate, but could be cost you something vital in the long run?

Chris had a noble dream as a teenager to play for the NBA, which was his ticket to live the life of his dreams, but he smoked twice as much cigarettes, as he worked hard to improve his basketball skills. One day a sudden opportunity came when the NBA team came by his neighbourhood in Kaduna to select players. Everyone knew Christopher was an exceptional player and would definitely make the list. But one thing Christopher and his teammates didn’t know was that his lungs had degenerated terribly. He attempted to run, but couldn’t.  He was often exasperated, wheezing uncontrollably and coughing hysterically. “Maybe he was just tired” his coach thought. But Christopher knew this was pay day; his tiredness was a symptom of damaged lungs, it was the culmination of years of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. He finally quit cigarettes, but sadly only after he had quit his dreams.

In his narrative, Pastor Chris Delvan said, life can hardly exist in a vacuum, we are constantly under certain influences and our urge for props, stuff, adventure, substances, alcohol, among others is ever present. Our generation is one at risk to be an addict generation; there is no shortage of options to get hooked on; some people are at the point where they are unconsciously developing one addiction, some are currently grappling with one, while some are struggling to get out of one.

It can be difficult battling addiction, as often we relapse and our resolve to fight dissolves, leading us to relinquish and settle into a life of slavery that addiction offers.  Our entertainment lacks no creativity to churn out episodes of interesting soap operas and sitcom that engages us to the point of redundancy; sooner or later we are hooked. Some are hooked to sugar, other substances, some adventure, some success, some binge, sex and pornography. But none of these satisfies; they only provide momentary pleasure and relief, not long after we indulge our thirst for more returns. Truth is, not all addictions are sinful, but most are costly. Unfortunately most of the addictions in life take something away from us. They cost us our dreams, health, relationships, careers and even life.

Every human thirst for stuff is an expression of an innate desire to connect with our Father. Christ offers a different kind of addiction; He is the only addiction that adds to you. In Christ we find the addiction to end all addiction, one that truly satisfies, saves and replenishes. in John 4; 14 “But the water I give them takes away thirst altogether. It becomes a perpetual spring within them, giving them eternal life.” The longing to quench our dry soul can be powerful. In Rev 22:17 says “If you are thirsty, come! If you want life-giving water come and take it. It’s free.” Each of us is now a part of his resurrection body, refreshed and sustained at one fountain-his Spirit-where we all come to drink- 1 Cor 12:13.

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