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Philando Castile death: Aftermath of police shooting
streamed live

7 July 2016 US & Canada
A black man has been shot dead by police in the US state of
Minnesota as protests continued over the police killing of a black
man in Louisiana.
Philando Castile's girlfriend live-streamed the St Paul incident's
aftermath, showing him covered in blood as an officer pointed his
gun at him.
He was shot as he reached for his driving licence, she said.
It follows the death of Alton Sterling, who was shot dead by
police during an incident in Baton Rouge on Tuesday.
Hundreds of people have protested for two nights over Mr
Sterling's killing.
The deaths follow a long line of high-profile incidents involving
African-Americans dying at the hands of the police, igniting a
national debate about the use of lethal force.
As news of the latest shooting spread, about 200 people
protested outside the St Paul home of Minnesota Governor Mark
Dayton, who later requested a federal investigation into the
shooting .
In a statement on Facebook, President Barack Obama said all
Americans "should be deeply troubled" by the two fatal
He said it was clear that they were not isolated incidents but
"symptomatic of the broader challenges within our criminal justice
Black US tennis player Serena Williams, who is playing at the
Wimbledon tournament, also expressed her dismay at news of Mr
Castile's death, tweeting : "In London I have to wake up to this.
He was black. Shot 4 times? When will something be done - no
REALLY be done?!"
Transcript of St Paul shooting aftermath
Celebrities react to shootings
Show of support for victim's girlfriend
Who are latest US police shooting victims?
Why do US police kill unarmed black men?
Cases where US police have faced charges over killings
When do US police use deadly force?
Mr Castile had been stopped in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St
Paul, because the car had a broken rear light, the woman,
identified in local media reports as Diamond Reynolds (or
sometimes as Lavish Reynolds) said.
Before he was shot, he had told the officer that he was licensed
to carry a concealed gun and had one in his possession, she
"You shot four bullets into him, sir. He was just getting his
licence and registration, sir," Ms Reynolds says in the video.
A child, Ms Reynolds's daughter, was also in the car at the time.
Police said an investigation was under way and the officer
involved had been put on leave.
Mr Castile's mother, Valerie Castile, told CNN that her son was
just "black in the wrong place" and said there was "a silent war
against African-American people".
Later on Thursday, an emotional Ms Reynolds told protesters
outside the governor's house that she had filmed the incident so
"the world knows that these police are not here to protect and
serve us, they are here to assassinate us".
Mr Castile, 32, worked as a cafeteria supervisor at a Montessori
school. His cousin Antonio Johnson told the Star Tribune
newspaper he was "immediately criminally profiled" because he
was black.
In Baton Rouge, hundreds of people gathered for a second night
of protests at the shop where Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old father
of five, was killed on Tuesday.
Police killings that scar the US
Walter Scott - unarmed and shot in the back as he ran away from
an officer in North Charleston, South Carolina, in April 2015.
Former officer Michael Slager facing murder charge
Laquan McDonald - 17-year-old was holding a knife but appeared
to be moving away from police in Chicago when shot 16 times in
2014. Officer Jason Van Dyke denies murder charge
Michael Brown - 18-year-old shot at least seven times in
Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014, sparking nationwide protests.
Officer Darren Wilson cleared of wrongdoing
Eric Garner - died after being placed in a chokehold by New York
police while selling cigarettes in July 2014. Grand jury decides
against charges, police disciplinary action taken against
supervising officer Sgt Kizzy Adonis
A second piece of video from Baton Rouge emerged on
Wednesday appearing to show Mr Sterling being held down and
then shot several times, although some shots are heard when the
camera moves away from the confrontation.
Seconds later, one of the officers is seen removing an object
from the man's trousers as he lies on the ground with blood on
his chest.
A witness said he saw officers take a gun from Mr Sterling's
pocket after the shooting, but police have not commented on
Baton Rouge Police Chief Carl Dabadie Jr said Mr Sterling was
armed but that a lot of questions still had to be answered.
The officers involved, Blane Salamoni and Howie Lake II, have
been put on administrative leave and the US Department of
Justice has launched a civil rights investigation.
Use of lethal force
Officers can only justify firing their weapons at civilians if they
fear the loss of life or limb
Other options include verbal commands, use of empty hands
to control a suspect, and use of less lethal weapons such as
batons or pepper spray
A 1982 Supreme Court case found it was illegal to shoot at
fleeing felons
What goes through a policeman's head before he shoots?

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