Friday 22 May 2020

Best Positive Affirmations

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Weekend Dose πŸ€” πŸ€”
πŸ₯🌈Read it aloud before going to bed or before leaving bed in morning

Positive Affirmations

➕I am constantly growing and developing

➕I am powerful

➕I achieve whatever I put my mind to

➕I am a positive thinker

➕I am always developing myself in every area of my life

➕I believe in myself deeply

➕I am constantly improving

➕I am focused on being the best I can be at all times

➕My awareness is always expanding and developing

➕My mind is focused one excelling in every area of my life

➕My future is bright, I am getting to my glorious destiny at God appointment time

➕Now is the Time,Nothing can stop Me.

πŸ₯Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level.
Eileen Caddy

🌈Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

πŸ₯You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.
Bonnie Prudden

🌈Not appreciating what we have now, robs us of our abundance even when it exists.
Marshall Sylver

πŸ₯Happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstances.

🌈A wise man is he who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.

πŸ₯It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think you are not.
Denis Waitley

🌈If you're short on passion, it might be because your goals are too small or the fear is too big.
Seth Godin

πŸ₯Make small changes.
Small changes lead To big changes.
Small changes are doable.

🌈God said He will never let you face anything that you can’t handle.
He will always give you the grace, the strength, the faith for what comes your way.
When you find yourself facing a crisis, it’s easy to give up your happiness, panic, and fall apart.
But you have to realize that crisis is not a surprise to God. It may be unexpected to us, but God knows the end from the beginning.
God has solutions to problems that we haven’t even had. And God would not have allowed the difficulty unless He had a divine purpose for it.
The bigger you make God, the smaller your problems become and the more faith will rise in your heart.

🌈πŸ₯We wouldn't believe the amazing things we can accomplish by just not giving up.
Times may be tough, but know that we CAN still achieve what we want if you keep going.
God is never late.
This is a great example of POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT and GROWTH ~Child Developmental Milestone ~from cry to smile, from sit to crawl, from stand to walk, from run to climb etc.It shows us clearly how time and moment can help us get through life cycle.
We can do this.
Don't give up --- We got this!
We are getting better.

Have a fulfilling weekend ahead.

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